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National guidelines for the EIA screening: agreement of the State-Regions Conference

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On 18th December 2014 at the meeting of the State-Regions the Regions and Autonomous Provinces expressed the agreement on the draft of the ministerial decree laying down "Guidelines for the EIA screening of projects falling within the competence of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces", provided by article 15 of Law Decree 91/2014.

On 8th January 2015, following the agreement, the draft decree has been forwarded by the Minister of the Environment to the Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate to acquire the opinions of the competent parliamentary Commissions.

At the same meeting, the State-Regions Conference also adopted, according to the Legislative Decree n. 281 of 1997, an explanatory note on transitional regime regarding the EIA screening, pending the adoption of the decree and the attached Guidelines.


Reference documents:

PDF document Intesa su uno schema di decreto del Ministro dell'ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare, di concerto con il Ministro delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti, recante "Linee guida per la verifica di assoggettabilità a valutazione di impatto ambientale dei progetti di competenza delle Regioni e delle province autonome (allegato IV alla parte seconda del decreto legislativo n. 152 del 2006, e successive modifiche ed integrazioni) 104 kB

PDF document Accordo tra Governo, Regioni e Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano in sede di Conferenza Stato-Regioni - Nota esplicativa sul regime transitorio in materia di verifica di assoggettabilità a VIA 72 kB