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COASTANCE Project - Lazio Region: Guidelines for Environmental Impact Studies of plans and / or coastal defence works



The Lazio Region has approved the Executive Determines no. 20/02/2013 A01160 of the "Guidelines for Environmental Impact Studies related to the implementation of plans and / or coastal defence works."

The Guidelines have been prepared as part of the European project COASTANCE "Regional action strategies for coastal zone adaptation to climate change" with the aim to support the Public Administrations responsible for coastal defence planning and management and the Environmental Assessment procedures (SEA and EIA) of plans and coastal defence works, with particular attention to coastal protected and/or sensitive areas.

The Guidelines, edited by 'ISPRA on behalf of the Region of Lazio, are organized into two separate documents, the first on the Analysis of environmental aspects that characterize the protected coastal areas, the second on the System of matrices "work/impact versus habitat/species".