Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Chemical Installation located in the Municipality of Ferrara (Basell Poliolefine Italia s.r.l.) reunification of EIA and IPPC procedures

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The Company Basell Poliolefine Italia srl. on the 16th of May 2013 submitted an application for environmental compatibility for the project "Changing the Torches system supplying the installation".

Given that the Basell Poliolefine Italia srl with a note dated 16 May 05 2013 requested this Ministry to update of the IPPC permit issued by Decree DVA-DEC-2010-659 of the 04.10.2010, for the purposes of the reduction of the administration action and in the light of art. 10, paragraph 1 of Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments, it is provided the reunification of the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with the procedure for granting an IPPC permit for the Chemical installation of the Company Basell Poliolefine Italia srl located in the Municipality of Ferrara.

The project documentation is available on the website of the MoE in the EIA and IPPC Sections.