Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works

General information

Work: 380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works

Project: 380kV double circuit power line ES Udine Ovest - ES Redipuglia and related works

Description: The project involves the construction of the 380 kV double circuit Udine Ovest - Redipuglia power line, of the electrical station 380/220 kV Udine Sud, of the connection between the E.S. Udine Sud to 220 kV Udine N.E. - Redipuglia - der. Safau power line, of the variant 380 kV Planais - Udine Ovest power line, of the variant 380 kV Planais - Redipuglia power line, of the variant 132 kV Schiavetti - Redipuglia power line and the demolition of the 220 kV Redipuglia - E.S. Udine Sud.

Developer: Terna Rete Italia S.p.A.

Project type: Electrical power lines

Territories and marine areas


Regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Provinces: Gorizia, Udine

Municipalities: Campoformido, Trivignano Udinese, Pasian di Prato, Campolongo Tapogliano, Lestizza, San Vito al Torre, Santa Maria la Longa, San Pier d'Isonzo, Pavia di Udine, Pozzuolo del Friuli, Mortegliano, Palmanova, Basiliano

Marine areas: None

Select procedure

Procedure Procedure Code Starting date Stage of the procedure
EIA Compliance 4156 09/07/2018 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3574 09/03/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3541 24/01/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3537 19/01/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3536 19/01/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3535 19/01/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3534 19/01/2017 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 3452 04/10/2016 Concluded Procedure details Documents
Environmental Impact Assessment 3280 25/11/2015 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2978 23/03/2015 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2863 09/10/2014 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2847 19/08/2014 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2784 27/06/2014 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2780 26/06/2014 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Screening 2635 27/12/2013 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2586 12/11/2013 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2584 12/11/2013 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2576 05/11/2013 Concluded Procedure details Documents
EIA Compliance 2543 01/10/2013 Concluded Procedure details Documents
Environmental Impact Assessment 342 23/01/2009 Concluded Procedure details Documents